
Through a state-of-the-art platform, CatIQ delivers analytical and meteorological information on Canadian natural and human-made catastrophes.

The CatIQ Platform is comprised of three main parts: Catastrophe Loss Database, Industry Exposure Database, Catastrophe forecasting.

Catastrophe Loss Database

CatIQ’s loss data is displayed alongside the Canadian catastrophe database. This database contains loss information collected directly from insurers, along with meteorological and damage details, for all catastrophes in Canada since 2008. Specific loss data is produced for CATs by province and by line of business. A CAT is as an event that results in more than C$30M of insured loss for the industry.

Loss Estimates

  • By Province
  • By Forward Sortation Area (FSA)/high-level CRESTA Zone for events exceeding C$250M

CatIQ Platform Tools


CatIQ collects data directly from insurance companies writing business in Canada. Data provision is based on a contractual agreement between CatIQ and each of the data-providing insurance companies. CatIQ aggregates the submitted company data and then extrapolates to the industry-level using market share and publicly sourced information. The calculated industry exposure data is made available on the CatIQ Platform.


Access to CatIQ's Catastrophe Loss Database is available through an annual subscription to the CatIQ Platform.

Industry Exposure Database

CatIQ’s Industry Exposure Database (IED) includes annually updated total sums insured information. The IED follows PERILS AG’s globally recognized methodology and uses a ground-up approach by collecting information directly from insurers to produce industry exposures for all of Canada.

Exposure Details

  • By Forward Sortation Area(FSA)/high-level CRESTA Zone
  • Personal
  • Commercial
  • Auto
  • Building/Vehicle Value
  • Contents Value
  • Additional Living Expense/Business Interruption Value
  • Updated annually in the spring

CatIQ’s Exposure Platform Tools


CatIQ collects data directly from insurance companies writing business in Canada. Data provision is based on a contractual agreement between CatIQ and each of the data-providing insurance companies. CatIQ aggregates the submitted company data and then extrapolates to the industry-level using market share and publicly sourced information. The calculated industry exposure data is made available on the CatIQ Platform.


Access to CatIQ's Industry Exposure Database is available through an annual subscription to the CatIQ Platform.

Catastrophe Forecasting

CatIQ subscribers receive alerts of potential property damage events, giving stakeholders critical information on the expected location and magnitude of an event, up to three days in advance.

CatIQ’s catastrophe forecasting service lets you get the jump on natural disasters, enabling you to ready your teams and resources. Up to three days in advance, you can access the following:

Detailed information on the expected types, timing, and extent of potential damage

Map view with a footprint of expected damage extent

Curated Twitter feed of damage (available for high-risk forecasts)

External data feeds: current weather, alerts and outlooks, earthquake, hurricane, water level, and wildfire information

Exposure by risk layer and Mean Damage Ratio (MDR) calculator (available to users with an active IED subscription)

The CatIQ platform also allows you to further interrogate the data, giving you the ability to:

• Export geographic footprints, FSA, and postal code lists by risk layer forecast
• Run forecast footprints through your organization’s scenario loss model
• View industry and, for users with active IED subscriptions, company exposures for the forecasted areas of concern

The CatIQ platform is updated with the latest information during active catastrophes and notable events, allowing users to quickly understand the scope of the event including expected call centre demands, and expectations for your policyholders. This information helps users to set reserves, communicate with reinsurers and other stakeholders, and monitor internal progress of components such as payouts, ALAE spending, and closing rates relative to industry.


Access to CatIQ's Catastrophe Loss Database is available through an annual subscription to the CatIQ Platform.

Industry Loss Index Service

CatIQ is designed to be used as an industry loss index, trigger, and independent CAT designator for Cat Bonds, ILS, ILW and other instruments.

CatIQ is designed to be used as an industry loss index, trigger, and independent CAT designator for Cat Bonds, ILS, ILW and other instruments. The underlying data for the index corresponds to the loss data collected for the CatIQ Industry Loss Database and is consistent with PERILS AG’s globally recognized methodology.

You can read more about the methodology behind this product at PERILS AG’s site, here.


Access to CatIQ’s Platform is available through an annual subscription.